SPEEDING motorists are being told to take their foot off the gas – or pay the price.

Police from the Potters Bar safer neighbourhood team spent a day clocking cars driving through Baker Street, as part of a speed enforcement operation.

The road has become a known problem area for speeding, with complaints being made by both residents and the staff and parents of nearby Pope Paul School.

In just two hours, police using speed guns caught five cars driving over the 30mph limit – the fastest being 50mph – issuing each with a �60 penalty and three points on their licence.

And Pc Graham Tippett said the exercise would not be a one-off.

“It would appear that from the speeds some people drive in Potters Bar, we will need to be doing many more speed enforcement operations,” he said.

The officers were joined by Potters Bar Community Safety Partnership chairman John Godfrey and Hertsmere deputy mayor Peter Knell.

Mr Godfrey said: “There is a speed board up that indicates to people what their speed is, and while some people slowed down, others were just oblivious to it.

“A lot of people have complained along that road and I think far more needs to be done. This has been going on for too long.”

Cllr Knell added: “We got quite a few people doing well over 30mph in a built up residential area of Potters Bar.

“It was a very informative day.

“These guns are spot on. People driving big cars don’t realise they’re doing 35 to 40mph while barely touching the pedal.”