A document setting out a revised timetable for the publication of Hertsmere's new Local Plan has been released.

Hertsmere Borough Council's Local Development Scheme has been updated to reflect the current position with progress on developing the Local Plan.

The publication of the plan for Hertsmere remains earmarked for May 2021, following which there will be a six-week consultation period when members of the public and other interested parties will be asked to give their views, before it is submitted to the Secretary of State for examination.

In the meantime, work continues on the preparation of the plan, including liaison with infrastructure providers - although further technical information is still being sought. This work and the additional information being gathered is crucial in order to test the overall viability of the plan.

The new Local Plan, once finalised and published, will be used to guide decisions on the delivery of new homes, schools, employment and services across the borough up to 2036/7.

Cllr Dr Harvey Cohen, portfolio holder for planning, said: “Our planners and members are committed to producing a new Local Plan that will enable us to meet the borough’s need for housing and jobs, while also protecting and enhancing Hertsmere’s unique characteristics and qualities.

“The team is continuing with its crucial work around infrastructure and viability to ensure that we have a considered and robust draft for consultation next May.”

To view the updated Local Development Scheme visit: https://www.hertsmere.gov.uk/Planning--Building-Control/Planning-Policy/Local-Plan/New-Local-Plan/New-Local-Plan-Planning-for-Growth.aspx.