HALLOWEEN horrors were out on Sunday night, causing havoc at a shopping parade.

Concrete bins were ripped out of the ground and knocked over on Woodhall Parade and cars were damaged with paint in Cole Green Lane in WGC.

The police were criticised for not having enough officers out on patrol, despite holding events to occupy those who might cause trouble at their Fright Night event at King George V Playing Fields.

But neighbourhood inspector Ian Grout said: “A lot of preparation went into planning for the weekend’s festivities and we had officers on patrol in the area to be a visible presence to those who were out and about.

“This was in addition to the officers holding the Fright Night event.”

He added: “At the moment our enquiries to trace the offenders [of the Woodhall and Cole Green Lane offences] are ongoing, but I would ask anyone who believes they witnessed any of them to call 0845 33 00 222.”