Oak View Primary School has launched a Balanceability scheme which received donations from Mayor of Welwyn Hatfield Cllr Peter Hebden.

The Balanceability scheme was launched by the school in Woods Avenue, and is aimed at giving young people the opportunity to learn how to ride a bike.

This scheme will help the children boost confidence, spatial awareness, and balance skills. Aimed at children in the Reception year, pupils start out on balance bikes and progress to pedal bikes as they develop their skills.

“Balance is vital to success in almost every sporting activity so learning to use balance bikes will help the children learn skills for future activity,” the school said.

Sue Archer, Reception class teacher, explained that: "the children have really enjoyed the introduction of the scheme, it enables the children to develop balance and core strength while promoting exercise with the benefit of learning a skill for life”.

The balance bikes will be used by the pupils in small groups, under the supervision of specially trained staff members. A track to follow will be outlined in the playground which will provide the children with a safe learning environment.

Parent governor Claire Hunt said: “it’s great to see the children have such a fantastic opportunity to have fun and learn whilst at school.

"The teachers are providing the children with a lifelong skill, and their efforts are appreciated. It’s obvious from expressions on their faces that they absolutely love the activity."

The Balanceability scheme benefited from a generous funding boost from councillor and mayor Peter Hebden, who had visited the children at the school.

The children showed off their new bikes and helmets at the recent visit to the school, where he watched the children in action on their playground bike track.

Peter Hebden said: "It was really good to see the youngsters develop and enjoy their skills.

"To have contributed to that in my own small way is immensely rewarding."