Beginners or anyone with an interest in historic flint will have the rare opportunity to learn flint masonry skills at a course held within the park of Hatfield House.

The three-day course, from May 4-6, will provide attendees with an understanding of the conservation and repair of traditional flint masonry while working on a live site in this fantastic setting.

The course will start with a brief introduction to working with flint, as well as the history and characteristics of the material. This will provide an overview of key approaches and methods of repair, as well as how to spot typical defects. Students will gain confidence in their knowledge of flint as well as develop the skills necessary to carry out remedial work to masonry.

Students will then have the opportunity to practice these techniques before moving to restore a section of the stunning flint vineyard walls in situ under the careful supervision of the tutor.

Key skills that the course will cover include:

  • Flint masonry methods and materials
  • Survey/identification
  • Laying flints
  • Flint facework
  • Flint knapping
  • Introduction to working with lime

The course is organised by Place Services. For more information or to book a place visit email or call 0333 013 6840.