A HEADTEACHER, who has run a special needs school since it opened more than 15 years ago, has retired.

Mike Philp helped design and set up Southfield School, which educates youngsters with moderate learning difficulties.

Speaking to the WHT on his last day, before the Hatfield school closed for Easter, he said it was thanks to his dedicated staff that he really enjoyed his job.

He said: “Every one of them is prepared to put so much hard work in to each day.

“The school is not the building but it’s the children.

“I’ve just been very privileged to have known many exceptional and very special children, not in relation to their needs, but who they are personally.”

Deputy head Alix Hazell, who will replace Mr Philp after the Easter break, said he had been a fantastic head.

“His leadership has been inspirational, he has a passion for the children and their families.”

Mr Philp, from WGC, is set to go travelling with wife Pat to her homeland of Australia, and to visit their son in California.

He thanked the WHT for their support in campaigning against an incinerator set to be built next to the school at New Barnfield, adding: “I believe Southfield will go on strong.”