A CRIME-BUSTING event is being held by police in Potters Bar on Saturday.

The initiative, which aims to tackle car crime, forms part of the force’s ‘Operation Tarantula’ – a dedicated anti-vehicle crime crackdown.

It is taking place in the car park at Tesco in Mutton Lane between 10am and 2pm.

The event will include a chance to meet with officers who will be giving crime prevention advice for drivers.

They will also be handing out tamper proof number plate screws.

Arachnophobes beware as between 11am and 1pm members of the public will be able to meet with a live tarantula.

Neighbourhood sergeant David Smith said: “Everyone is welcome and we will be pleased to meet with you.

“Crime prevention can make a big difference in whether criminals will target your vehicle or not, so come and find out more.

“Thieves are more likely to take the opportunity of breaking into a vehicle if items are left on show and I would encourage people to remove all items from show and where possible from their vehicles.”