BALLOT papers have been emptied from their boxes here at the count in WGC.

Counting for seats on Welwyn Hatfield Council, Hatfield Town Council and the parishes of North Mymms and Essendon will begin once the verification process is complete.

The verification process, which determines the voting figures tally with the number of people who voted yesterday, began in earnest moments ago.

Returning officer Michel Saminaden told the WHT’s election team at Campus West turnout figures were unlikely to be known for at least “a couple of hours”.

He said: “Yesterday went well. We’ve got thousands of postal votes to count too, so once we’ve sorted them, we’ll be in a better position.”

Mr Saminaden said he was hopeful for a turnout figure of between 35 and 40 per cent.

The count for the national AV referendum begins at 4pm.