This weekend's Cancer Research Race For Life events have been cancelled following severe flooding in Welwyn.

The events, due to be held at Stanborough Park, have been axed after the area was battered by severe flooding this week.

Runners were set to partake in both a conventional 5k and a 'pretty muddy' fun run, but both events have been called off at short notice.

Confirming the news, event manager Deborah Masini said: “We’re so sorry we are having to cancel this event.

"We know it means so much to so many people and will cause huge disappointment. But for health and safety reasons, we have no choice but to cancel."

She added: We’d like to thank everyone who signed up for their support. Each Race for Life event raises thousands of much-needed pounds for our life-saving research.”

Runners who had signed up have had their places automatically transferred to the race for life event in nearby Stevenage on July 7, while the charity will also be putting on events in St Albans on June 8 and July 14.

Anyone with queries or wishing to arrange a refund can contact Cancer Research on 0300 123 1022.