Following Purple Tuesday earlier this month, Isabel Hospice has announced its continued commitment to the initiative – enhancing accessibility and improving the customer experience across its 16 charity shops.

Purple Tuesday, observed on the second Tuesday of November each year, is a campaign to raise awareness and promote positive change within the retail sector for people with disabilities.

Isabel Hospice has introduced several new initiatives and services to help make a great customer experience for people with disabilities and their families to become the norm.

Welwyn Hatfield Times:  A quiet shopping hour has been launched across Isabel Hospice's stores A quiet shopping hour has been launched across Isabel Hospice's stores (Image: Isabel Hospice)

One of these changes is introducing a ‘quiet hour’ in all shops from 10am to 11am every day – offering a calmer, sensory-friendly shopping environment.

Adjustments include reducing controllable noise, being mindful of having loud conversations, removing obstacles from the shop floor and dimming lights where possible.

Charlotte Greenwood, head of retail and marketing at Isabel Hospice, said: “The Purple Tuesday movement is completely in line with Isabel Hospice’s commitment to fostering inclusivity.

"We are excited to continue supporting such an important cause each and every day in our shops going forward. Everyone deserves equal access and the ability to enjoy their shopping experience.

"Through ongoing efforts to improve accessibility, we aim to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable, welcome, and understood.”

Additional changes across the shops include installation of hearing loops at the till point.

A hearing loop is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids providing easy access to high-quality audio, helping to ensure that people with hearing impairment have inclusive and equal access to intelligible sound.

Magnifying sheets will also be made available to those who are visually impaired, helping to improve visual clarity, enabling users to read labels and other printed materials with greater ease.

Charlotte added: “As we continue on this journey of inclusivity, we encourage our valued customers, employees, and the wider community to join us in embracing the importance of striving for inclusivity for all.

"Isabel Hospice is a caring organisation, and we are unequivocal about who we care for. That is simply everyone.”