Hatfield residents have recently benefitted from a county council scheme offering free pairs of slippers, in a bid to prevent trips, slips and falls in the home. 

Hertfordshire County Council held its fourth slipper swap earlier this month, where 103 Hatfield residents took up the offer. 

Eight events were held last year across the county, and 395 pairs of slippers were given out. 

This year, HCC is on a mission to do away with even more old, broken and often dangerous slippers with two more events planned across the winter period. 

According to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, falls are the largest cause of emergency hospital admissions for older people, and significantly impact on long term outcomes, for example often meaning people moving from their own home to long-term nursing or residential care.

Cllr Caroline Clapper said: “We want our residents to know that we’re with you this winter.

"Our Slipper Swap events - being held in our warm, welcoming libraries across Hertfordshire across the county - are just one of the ways we are making sure that advice and support is available to help every resident deal with the rising cost of living, with practical help for people who need it most, so that they can stay well as temperatures drop.”