The owners of a bar in Welwyn Garden City are "absolutely gutted" after announcing its closure.

Bedtime Beers in Howardsgate was opened by Stephan O'Shea in July last year, who told the Welwyn Hatfield Times he believed it would be the "kind of business that will really thrive".

But, a little more than a year later, the bar has closed down, with the news confirmed in a statement on Facebook.

Caribbean food business, Soca Kitchen, which served food for Bedtime Beers from the same unit, has also gone.

"Unfortunately Bedtime Beers has had to close its doors," read the post.

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"We are absolutely gutted, and are taking time to process this.

"I would like to thank everyone that came through our doors and helped me try to realise my dream. I hope we provided you with a fun and safe place to be, supplied good enough beers, and helped fill your bellies.

"Soca Kitchen are obviously as sad as we are, but thank you guys for bringing the fire.

"Thank you to everyone that has done a shift behind the bar or in the kitchen. Thank you to all the suppliers that sent us amazing beer. Thank you to Welwyn Garden City for accepting us, but now, we must bow out."