A Slimming World representative from Hatfield has struck gold after helping more than 100 people lose weight.

Amy Jefferies who runs the St Peter's Church hall Slimming World group every week, has been awarded ‘gold’ status by the national slimming club following her success in supporting slimmers

The accolade is given to Slimming World Consultants who consistently have 100 or more members in their group over several months, and who provide such exceptional service that members come back week after week.

Amy said: “I absolutely love my job. I’m passionate about helping people to transform their lives by losing weight and seeing them succeed is reward enough, but being given this recognition for the whole group really is the icing on the cake. 

"This award belongs to the St. Peter's church hall group’s 140 members. They’re the ones who make our groups the success that it is with their fabulous commitment."