A teenager from Welwyn Garden City met new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak just moments after he was appointed as the country's new leader.

Sixteen-year-old Maya Patil met Mr Sunak at the Houses of Parliament on Monday as part of the You-Can’t-Put-Me-Down Syndrome, a new campaign which champions teenagers and young adults living with Down Syndrome.

Just minutes after becoming PM, Mr Sunak took the time to ask Maya what it was like living with the genetic disorder.

"Life is easy, but sometimes a challenge," Maya responded. 

"We should be able to do all the things other people can do."

Maya was joined by fellow teenager Millie Anna Prelogar, who added: "Having Down Syndrome is no big deal – we can do anything we set our minds to with just a little extra help and support."

Nicola Enoch, founder of Positive About Down Syndrome, was pleased to see Mr Sunak

"I’m so delighted that Rishi took the time to speak to us about such an important topic – within minutes of being appointed Prime Minister."