Sir – I can t stop laughing! What with Gordon Brown, the architect of our very own recession, embarking on a crusade to reform the economies of the world, and now Michael Spencer, who amongst other things is treasurer of the Tory party, advising all those

Sir - I can't stop laughing! What with Gordon Brown, the architect of our very own recession, embarking on a crusade to reform the economies of the world, and now Michael Spencer, who amongst other things is treasurer of the Tory party, advising all those councils, and our own Herts County Council into the bargain, to invest in Icelandic banks!

These carryings on could not be more farcical, if it was not really so tragic... And yet so many people I know saw it all coming months ago.

One really wonders how the powers that be didn't get an inkling. Perhaps they don't live on the same planet as we do? Or perhaps their rose-tinted spectacles need a good polish? Shouldn't they all listen to Vince Cable from now on?

I will.

Alex Benakis, Northfield, Hatfield.