Sir – It appears, again that Hatfield residents, being the poor relations of the borough, have once again been shafted by the governing body of the council. There are now, and have been, numerous on-going developments taking place in WGC, and yet, despite

Sir - It appears, again that Hatfield residents, being the poor relations of the borough, have once again been shafted by the governing body of the council.

There are now, and have been, numerous on-going developments taking place in WGC, and yet, despite all the publicity, electorial hype, and model showing of the town centre proposals, we are now told this long-awaited project is being put on hold!

The fact that the council only let this decision be known to the general public on polling day and not some five days earlier when this decision was reached warrants thinking about.

Had Hatfield residents been made aware of this decision by the then present establishment, it could perhaps have given some Hatfield residents cause to think again, and change their minds on who to vote for.

For this reason, my heart goes out to the long serving councillors, who have now lost their seats. Do we expect to have something similar happening when the planned-for Hilltop development becomes due? I await this long awaited time with some trepidation.

Name and address supplied.