SIR – Re the worm farm: I would like to point out that while Mr Watts claims that this is not a waste processing site the planning proposal which he himself drew up and signed, clearly states that several van loads a day of waste would be brought to the

SIR - Re the worm farm: I would like to point out that while Mr Watts claims that this is not a waste processing site the planning proposal which he himself drew up and signed, clearly states that several van loads a day of waste would be brought to the site and stored in three large waste storage pits measuring 2.6m high by 9m long. If this is not a waste processing site then why are they importing waste to the site and building pits for storing it?

Mr Watts also stated that the polytunnels would be far away from any properties. However as the polytunnels measure approximately 50 metres in length, 5.5 metres high and 2.7 metres wide they will be both visible and near to several properties especially Stanborough House, The Baker's Union offices and The Hollies flats all of which the development will share a boundary with.

Further, the entrance to the site and position of the waste storage pits will be just the other side of the road from the nursing home. It is a nonsense to say that any of this development will be far away from homes.

Finally, Mr Watts claims that there will be no smell, disturbance or vermin. Yet his own planning proposal says that there will be increased traffic because of the delivery of waste and that they hope to get passing trade from anglers which is yet more traffic. He also suggests that there will be noise disturbance from machinery used to deal with the waste when it arrives on site. The Worm Research Centre, which has been researching this business for over 10 years, clearly states that smell and vermin are an unfortunate environmental hazard of worm farming.

Carolyn Green, WGC.

SIR - Apart from the reasons previously stated for objecting to a worm farm at Great North Road, Stanborough (WHT, April 8). I would like to add that this road consists of only nine houses plus a home for the elderly which is close to the proposed entrance of the worm farm. I feel the increase in traffic will be unsustainable for the area.

There is also the problem of the proposed entrance to the worm farm, which will also be close to the very busy farm entrance which frequently has heavy goods vehicles going back and forth. There is the added risk of danger to the elderly residents. who like to walk outside.

Finally the emergency services could be hampered when trying to get access to the home.

M Boland, Great North Road, WGC.