Sir – May I try and get some sense and logic out of what the Tories are doing to Hatfield? Firstly we have a blackout of what the developers are doing by way of the redevelopment, they put it on hold, but there is an election in full swing, and the polls

Sir - May I try and get some sense and logic out of what the Tories are doing to Hatfield?

Firstly we have a blackout of what the developers are doing by way of the redevelopment, they put it on hold, but there is an election in full swing, and the polls are open.

What a coincidence we see on the WHT website on polling day the town is on hold (thank you WHT).

There was no announcement to the representatives of the people in Hatfield, which you can guess why, they would have no doubt have lost some seats.

My colleagues and I have reassured literally hundreds of residents over the years by saying "yes the town will be redeveloped." Some would say, "I will be dead by the time that comes". How right some of the comments were.

The leader of the council has been pushed into making some move towards an explanation and assurances, but to whom we ask? To the existing traders. Nothing for the residents who wait with bated breath.

Now, we find that the Tories are holding a meeting for traders, leaving out some, and certainly not inviting the representative of the people, their councillors! I do wonder why - does anyone else know?

It only leaves us to imagine why, is it secrecy? Don't let residents know what's going on, only the traders.

But wait, the traders will need residents to come into the town to shop, so where is the logic? The traders also have rights to either stay or leave. We want them to stay and not leave, making a ghost town.

I call upon the leader of the council, to please be more open, stop having meetings without representation and let everyone know what is happening, and not leave it up to the residents to imagine when they will get what was promised, a new town. They are not fools and deserve a great deal more respect than what they are receiving right now.

Cllr Colin Croft, Hatfield Central.