Sir – I noticed with interest the letter from Cllr Clare Berry (WHT, April 8). She may well take up the banner for the county council, to say how good the senior schools are in Hertfordshire but, most parents of senior school-age children living in Welwyn

Sir - I noticed with interest the letter from Cllr Clare Berry (WHT, April 8). She may well take up the banner for the county council, to say how good the senior schools are in Hertfordshire but, most parents of senior school-age children living in Welwyn Hatfield know that the senior schools are delivering far short of the potential the children take with them from junior schools in the borough.

Her letter didn't spend more than a few lines on schools here but centred on Hertfordshire schools as a whole.

It is surprising that she didn't own up to the concerns she herself must have on the subject.

A clue as to whether or not she feels our senior schools are good enough could be the fact that her children didn't go to schools here. Not just Welwyn Hatfield, but the whole county. They were educated at home.

Of course no one, even councillors, has to send their children to the local senior school but it does rather smack of 'Do as I say, not as I do'.

Libby Wighton, WGC.