Sir – Kim Morris has written a lengthy letter (WHT, January 9) on the subject of St John s Youth and Community Centre, in which she advises the public of all the sterling work that she and her fellow councillors are doing. I would like to point out that

Sir - Kim Morris has written a lengthy letter (WHT, January 9) on the subject of St John's Youth and Community Centre, in which she advises the public of all the sterling work that she and her fellow councillors are doing.

I would like to point out that a number of remarkable people have been involved for a very much longer period than Kim Morris and her friends. Included in these worthy volunteers who give so much of their time I would like to mention Loraine Cook, Ann McGrievy and Karl Wright. They have selflessly worked at the centre for about 15 years which I know is a far longer period than the involvement of the three councillors named.

There are very many good people in the community, including councillors who do sterling work in the voluntary sector but shy away from publicity.

Hopefully Mrs Morris and her fellow councillors will continue the work that they are doing although I strongly suspect that their motivation is at least in part for political purposes.

In the meantime I fully endorse her appeal for assistance for this centre which is achieving so much for Hatfield youth.

Linda Mendez, Meadway, WGC.