Sir – I would like to respond to George Munn s letter Still empty 15 years on (WHT, March 25). Ley House was originally designated as older persons sheltered accommodation, but in recent years the demand for that type of housing within this block has

Sir - I would like to respond to George Munn's letter 'Still empty 15 years on' (WHT, March 25). Ley House was originally designated as older persons' sheltered accommodation, but in recent years the demand for that type of housing within this block has significantly reduced and it has been difficult to let units.

However, the council decided not to force remaining residents to leave their homes in order to vacate the block and it is only relatively recently that Ley House has been completely empty.

An appraisal has been carried out to determine what best use can be made of Ley House for the future. A number of options have been considered, including a programme of redevelopment that would incorporate Ley House and parts of the surrounding area.

Unfortunately, with the current economic downturn some of the available options may not be viable, and it could be difficult to attract investment in the area.

We are therefore currently exploring interim solutions to make use of the block. Those are due to be considered by cabinet in the next couple of months.

Cllr Roger Trigg,

Executive member for housing, equality and diversity,

Welwyn Hatfield Council.