SIR – You have to hand it to Hertfordshire Highways! In the same week that a national survey says that it will take 110 years to fill all the potholes on our roads, what are they doing around WGC? Stopping traffic to remove kerbstones at bus stops and rep

SIR - You have to hand it to Hertfordshire Highways! In the same week that a national survey says that it will take 110 years to fill all the potholes on our roads, what are they doing around WGC? Stopping traffic to remove kerbstones at bus stops and replace them with... new kerbstones! No doubt the "experts" will tell us it is for health and safety, European regulations or some such.

If they have too much of our tax to use up by the end of the year, they could try filling some of the potholes that they regularly spray paint around and then forget about. Hertfordshire Highways: first world taxes, third world roads.

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