SIR – At my age I would not wish to deny anyone the right to a good moan, but your correspondent Eileen Bannister s wished-for park and ride scheme to solve her parking nightmare at the Lister Hospital already exists. Park in Hatfield Town Centre if the

SIR - At my age I would not wish to deny anyone the right to a good moan, but your correspondent Eileen Bannister's wished-for park and ride scheme to solve her parking nightmare at the Lister Hospital already exists.

Park in Hatfield Town Centre if the walk is too much from Chelwood Avenue and get the 301 Arriva bus all the way to the hospital.

Job done, buses at 30-minute intervals, regular and reliable with a nice ride avoiding the motorway.

Doesn't drop you quite in the consultant's waiting room but near enough.

Bryan Scott, Daniells, WGC.