Sir – Could I use the pages of the WHT to inform the school-holidaying youth population of WGC that the Parkway fountain is not a public bathing pool? The water in it is not sterilised, is probably full of rat droppings and broken glass and is in the

Sir - Could I use the pages of the WHT to inform the school-holidaying youth population of WGC that the Parkway fountain is not a public bathing pool?

The water in it is not sterilised, is probably full of rat droppings and broken glass and is in the middle of what is effectively a busy roundabout.

If they want to go swimming, there are plenty of pools in adjacent towns. I'm aware that in today's "yoof" culture, venturing into another postcode and therefore another gang's home territory will almost certainly lead to a fatal stabbing, but that can't be helped.

- Name and address supplied.