SIR - I am appalled at the lateness of the news with regard to the delay of the Hatfield town centre development. The planning committee must have known that this was on on the cards and held on to the news, so that the electorate would not be able to ta

SIR - I am appalled at the lateness of the news with regard to the delay of the Hatfield town centre development.

The planning committee must have known that this was on on the cards and held on to the news, so that the electorate would not be able to take evasive action.

This is a typical Conservative trick to hoodwink all of us, not the first time and it won't be the last.

When will the electorate ever learn?

It's a great pity that the majority have such short memories and forget the days when the Tories were in power nationally and interest rates were 15.5% and inflation soared to a whopping 19.5%.

John Pomroy.

Labour Party and USDAW Member.

Lumbards, WGC.