SIR – Have we not now reached the nadir in our acceptance of greed by people in authority? Well, in my opinion they cannot get any lower. Have we not had enough? Although born in poverty you readily accepted it because you knew no other. My mother brought

SIR - Have we not now reached the nadir in our acceptance of greed by people in authority? Well, in my opinion they cannot get any lower. Have we not had enough?

Although born in poverty you readily accepted it because you knew no other. My mother brought up three kids in the war years in Bethnal Green (our father was in the Eighth Army). Bread and milk for breakfast (sharing the bread with mice and hoping the milk had not turned sour! We had no electricity). The Blitz was challenging for everyone but when you returned to bed after the 'All Clear' it felt so wonderful, warm and welcoming.

We were evacuated for only two weeks during the phoney war because of unbearable treatment - three Cockney kids and a mother? Ugh!

After the first V1 fell we spent our nights in the garden shelter. What a good choice, one week later our house was flattened and two friends killed.

I suppose we owe it to Hitler that we moved out of poverty. Our grandmother had spare room in her home in Tottenham and we moved in. Having just won a scholarship I went to the wonderful Tottenham Grammar School. But, alas, a few months later the school hall roof collapsed down on us.

The school felt the full blast of a V2 rocket while we were standing for grace to be said before lunch.

Like tens of thousands of other people we survived and built on our good fortune.

Marriage (over 54 years now) moving to the Garden City with Ardath Tobacco Co (remember the State Express 555 sign near the railway station?) then SK&F where my efforts earned me the pension that now sustains me.

No, the world does not owe me a living, all of us should earn it. I am well satisfied to be living the kind of life I worked for. Proud of my children who contribute so much to the lives of the people they come in contact with. Like so many people our parents and ourselves (I served in the RAF) earned everything gained from this life. So, what is my beef?

I have reached the end of my tolerance of those politicians who are supposed to be serving us but, having done nothing to help our welfare they are, instead, just robbing us at every opportunity.

Each day brings a new disclosure of abuse of expenses etc in the national and even the local press. Even the honours system has seen a taxi travelling MP's cleaner being awarded an MBE.

What an expensive joke Westminster and even Brussels has become. Enough is enough! We cannot indulge their state funded luxury living until they earn it!

S. O. Stevens, Birds Close, WGC.