SIR – I agree with Ray Smith (WHT, June 25) what a complete eyesore the two Lidl signs are. I cannot recall these being in the plans of the new shopping development, and in these environmently friendly times why are two massive Lidl signs glowing 24/7?

SIR - I agree with Ray Smith (WHT, June 25) what a complete eyesore the two Lidl signs are. I cannot recall these being in the plans of the new shopping development, and in these environmently friendly times why are two massive Lidl signs glowing 24/7? Who needs to know Lidl is open at 3am when it is not?

- K. Timpson, Poplars (WGC?)

SIR - We agree with Mr Ray Smith that the newly erected Lidl signs in Moors Walk are inappropriate. We were horrified to see them being erected and think they are an ugly eyesore.

The Waters Family, Poplars, Panshanger, WGC.